Something Involving A Mailbox!

SIAMB! #11 Submissions, Spiteful Survival

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Welcome to Something Involving A Mailbox! Issue #11: Spiteful Survival.

We are reading submissions for Issue #11 now, and are not currently accepting new submissions.

Follow us on Instagram (link at bottom of page) for updates on Issue #11 and new submission opportunities.

We have a loose theme of "spiteful survival" for this issue. Pieces are encouraged to identify with or be inspired by the theme, but it is not required for submission or consideration.

SIAMB! started as a personal zine in the spirit of Cometbus, and is slowly growing into its own as a micro-press. The name came while brainstorming names, wanting a clear connection to physical mail. "I want to call it something involving a mailbox," Brutus said trying to direct the brainstorm direction. "That sounds great," came the reply.

The first few issues were largely personal reflections with submissions with friends, then Issue #7 shifted the focus to open submissions. We're a small zine branching out into the world of literary magazines. You can find our most recent issues here. Our IG can be found @siambzine for previews.

We're particularly interested in experiments and risks--that's one of the perks of being such a small press, our flexibility.

We're looking forward to reading your submissions and publishing your work!